Planning the Perfect Spring Break in Florida

Girl tubing on the river
Spring break isn’t spring break unless you’re near the water.

Are you planning your perfect spring break in Florida but craving something different? Look no further than the St. Johns River. It’s the perfect spot to get away from typical spring breakers infiltrating Florida coastlines. Plus, it has natural amenities that beach towns offer, minus the crowds.

We’ll fill you in on why this Old Florida location should be your next spring break destination.

Spring Break on the Water

Spring break isn’t spring break unless you’re near the water. You’re just mixing it up this year by trading the salt water for fresh water on the St. John’s River. Spend your break boating, kayaking, snorkeling and fishing while enjoying a change of spring break scenery.

Fun fact: The St. Johns River is the longest river in Florida at 310 miles long and is one of only three rivers in the country that flows from south to north.

We Put the Spring in Spring Break

Bird on the river.
You’re likely to spot wildlife you won’t find at the beach.

Why not celebrate spring break by enjoying an area known for its natural springs? Your spring break destination spot puts you near some of Florida’s most beautiful warm water natural springs to help you unwind and relax. Bonus perk? You’re likely to spot wildlife you won’t find at the beach. Plus, you might spot manatees in the crystal clear water.

The Sun Rises and Sets Here Too

Sunset on the river
Watching the sun pop up and down over the St. John’s River will rival any sunrise or sunset you’ve seen at the beach.

Who says you have to have your toes in the sand to watch the sun rise and set on spring break week? Mix it up this year. We would a hedge a bet that watching the sun pop up and down over the St. Johns River will rival any sunrise or sunset you’ve seen at the beach.

We offer cabins with access to all of the above, including boat and Jet ski rentals! Pick up the phone and call Castaways on the River at (352) 759-3422 to plan your perfect spring break on the river.

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About Castaways on the River

Castaways on the River offers boat rentals and lodging accommodations in beautiful Astor, Florida. Come experience the natural beauty of Central Florida's fresh waters.

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