All Red Everything for Heart Health at Castaways on the River
February is American Heart Month – the perfect time to begin your journey to better heart health while cruising down the St. Johns River. American Heart Month focuses on knowledge and the promotion of healthy lifestyles for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

The American Heart Association encourages some of these tips for a healthy heart and lifestyle:
Some foods proven to be beneficial for your heart are fish, nuts, berries, oatmeal, red wine, dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher), cruciferous vegetables, citrus fruits, whole grains, avocado, and olive oil. A varied diet is the key to a healthy heart. All of these foods offer different benefits such as omega-3 fatty acids in fish, the phytonutrients in berries, and vitamin C in citrus.

Speaking of fish – known as the Bass Fishing Capital of the World, the St. Johns River is rich in fisheries including ample crappie, bluegills, catfish and other varieties freshwater fish. Exceptional areas for bass fishing include western shorelines at Juniper, Salt and Silver Glen springs, which are accessible by Lake George. In the winter, you might also find bass in schools to the south end of Lake George through early spring. When you visit Castaways on the River, you can keep a heart healthy diet and relax at all these great fishing locations.
While on vacation at the beautiful St. Johns River is the perfect opportunity to switch your routine and be more active. Regular exercise is required to maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress hormones and assist to lower blood pressure, which benefits the heart and mood.

When visiting Castaways on the River you can also stop by the St. Johns River Water Management District which maintains approximately 700,000 acres of land that offer a variety of recreational opportunities such as hiking, camping, hunting, cycling and equestrian riding.
In order to achieve optimal health we have to take into consideration our emotional health and look beyond the physical markers of being fit. If you remember that your heart is not just about pumping blood, it will make sense. Endorphins help ease stress and minimize pain, both literally and metaphorically. At Castaways on the River, we promote healthy living by providing a family friendly and relaxing atmosphere.
Make Heart Month count and put these tips into practice at Castaways on the River! Give us at (352) 759-3422 to to learn about all the activities you can do while visiting to keep your heart active.
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