“The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.” – John Buchan
Happy New Year! We know you have big plans to make 2017 another great fishing year on the St. Johns River in North Central Florida. Follow these 10 New Year’s fishing resolutions in 2017 to stay focused on the fish at hand and remember why fishing soothes your soul.

Study Your Electronics
Let’s face it. If you want to be considered a serious angler in 2017, it is time to get to know the latest electronics that help your sport. An electronic depth finder will help you find where fish are hiding and topographical maps help you navigate the river’s bottom easily.
Barometers also help you measure the atmospheric pressure. When the atmosphere pressure rises or dips over the course of a few hours, fish are more active during that period. GPS and weather electronics should also be on every angler’s boat for safety reasons too.
Fish in the Moment
Fishing is all about taking some time to unwind and to do some self-reflection. Do not stress about where you found fish last year. Take a deep breath, enjoy all the St. Johns River has to offer and trust your fishing instincts while you do some exploring in new areas.
Keep Your Mind Open to New Techniques
We have all said it. “I’ve been fishing here for 10 years and know everything about how to fish here.” That is just not true though. Be open to new technology and take fishing advice from others in the New Year. At the end of the day, fishing should be exciting, fresh and fun. Don’t get stuck in a rut or fishing might become boring for you.

Exercise on Off Fishing Days
We know, we know. Fishing is a sport. But for a good part of the day, you are sitting on a boat waiting for fish to grab your line. Try getting into an exercise regimen on your off fishing days. Strengthen those arms and legs this year and watch as your fishing friends are impressed with your newfound strength when you’re casting bait and reeling in the big one.
Get Your Tackle Box Organized
Most anglers have a mess of a tackle box that somehow works for them each and every year. But imagine if your tackle box was organized and efficient this year! That could make all the difference for an improved fishing day on the water. Take some pride in your sport and follow our tackle box guide to get started.
Help Others on the St. Johns River
There are so many fishers out there that get set in their ways and don’t like to divulge their fishing secrets. We would argue that is the wrong approach in this day and age. One of the best joys in the life of an angler should involve helping others learn the sport and watching them grow to appreciate the hobby as much as you do. Make some friends, be a fishing mentor and enjoy the smiles and appreciation on others faces this year as you teach them new tricks. Try participating in a river cleanup or being a volunteer with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission too.
Take a Camera
Anglers are notorious for telling stories about the big fish they caught but never having the proof to back it up. Make a commitment in 2017 to always take a camera with you to document your catches and capture all of your fishing adventure moments with friends and loved ones on the St. Johns River.

Be More Patient
A true fisher knows fishing is a game of patience. Anglers can always use a little more patience so try to practice that mantra this year. Leave your bait in the water a little longer and don’t give up on a fishing spot too soon.
Make More Weekend Fishing Plans
Commit to getting away for longer than just a day. Plan more weekend or week-long fishing trips this year. Book a stay at Castaways on the River to enjoy a comfortable cottage or motel room that sits right along the beautiful St. Johns River.
Rent a Boat
Castaways on the River can handle all of your St. Johns River boat rental needs this year. The marina offers a variety of boats that are ready for use on the river today. The St. Johns River in Astor, Florida is a great place to do some serious fishing this year and practice your new fishing resolutions. Call Castaways on the River today at (352) 759-3442 to book your boat rental and lodging needs today!