10 Must Have Items for a St. Johns River Fishing Trip
Summer is a great time of year to schedule a fishing trip on the crystal clear fresh water of the St. Johns River. All you need to do is schedule time to relax and unwind on the river while making sure you bring along these 10 must have items for your St. Johns River fishing trip.

1. Fishing Trip Rods and a Tacklebox
Fishers don’t leave home without their favorite fishing rod. So in your excitement to head to the St. Johns River, don’t forget to bring your rod and a tacklebox. One rod per person should suffice.
2. Navigational Tools
Don’t leave home without your GPS, which allows you to punch in coordinates to find the perfect fishing spot. Do your homework before you leave for your trip. Access Google Earth to find coordinates from a topographical map online that look like good fish hangouts. Then you just plug in the coordinates when you’re on the river and you’re off and running to the precise spot. Read our blog on finding the perfect fishing spot on the St. John’s River for some hints.
3. Fishing License
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) requires Florida residents and visitors to have a freshwater fishing license. There are FWC fishing license exemptions that visitors and residents can qualify for though. One of the most efficient ways to obtain a fishing license is by downloading the Fish|Hunt Application that allows the ability to renew, purchase, and store your license.
4. Binoculars
The St. Johns River is teeming with more than just fish. It’s full of turtles, alligators, birds, manatees and other wildlife that live in and around the river and the Ocala National Forest. Binoculars are a must to truly enjoy the nature the St. Johns River produces for you from the comfort of your boat.

5. Snorkel and a Mask
Did you know the St. Johns River is home to some beautiful crystal clear fresh water springs created by Mother Nature? The springs are full of colorful fish and other aquatic wildlife? Don’t forget your snorkel and mask so you can take advantage of snorkeling in cool crystal clear water that will enhance your snorkeling adventure.
6. Cooler
It’s hot in Florida. Don’t forget to bring a cooler full of water and other beverages to quench your thirst on your fishing trip. Here at Castaways On The River, we offer ice for sale, ensuring you have everything you need to keep your days on the river cool and enjoyable!
7. Waterproof Bags
Fishers get wet, even when they don’t intend to. Use sealable plastic bags to secure your wallet, phone and other items you don’t want to get soaked.

8. Polarized Sunglasses
There is a reason they call Florida “The Sunshine State.” Polarized sunglasses are essential for your St. Johns River fishing trip for two reasons. They will protect your eyes from the sun and allow you see down deeper to find fish beds where fish are congregating.
9. First Aid Kit
When boats are moving and hooks are flying, sometimes accidents happen. Friends can get hit on the head by a low hanging branch, items in the boat can move around if they aren’t secure and even avid fishers can cut their hand or have an unfortunate fishing accident. Don’t forget the first aid kit. A first aid kit can easily take care of an injury that needs medical attention and help prolong your fishing trip instead of cutting it short.
10. Camera
You just caught the biggest fish of your life but no one was there to witness it. Don’t forget to bring a camera or have a good cell phone camera handy to capture evidence of The Big One. The camera gives your fishing trip story credibility when your friends start to scoff.
Got your bags packed? Now all you need to do is rent a boat and rent a comfortable cottage at Castaways on the River for a summer fishing trip you’ll be talking about for years. Call Castaways on the River at (352) 759-3422 to plan your perfect fishing trip on the river today!
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